
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Armchair BEA: Ask the Experts

Day Four: Ask the Experts

Today's discussion post is to ask our visitors for blogging advice. I consider myself to be a relative newbie to the book blogging world and would love any advice you'd like to leave in my comments. I am eager to learn from others and am hoping to not make too many mistakes along the way.

What is your piece of advice?

Thanks for sharing!


  1. Hi, my best piece of advice has to do with formatting a post if you use Blogger. I now most of the time type my post in Google Docs first so I can change my font to 12 and get the spacing how I want it. Then when I paste everything into Blogger it goes a lot faster. :)

  2. My advice is to ignore any and all drama. Also, do whatever you want with your blog since it's your blog.

  3. My advice would be to be consistent, creative and enjoy what you are doing.

    My post -

  4. oh gosh! I'm too new too!!!! >.< but my really best advice to you is...
    HAVE FUN!!!

    Here's my ABEA for today! You're welcome to stalk->

  5. Since I had just met you through ArmchairBEA, I would never have guessed you were a newbie... you're pretty awesome!
    I have a few tips on my post for today.
    Here is my Archair BEA post for today!
    I really enjoyed meeting you, I hope we can connect in the future also.

  6. Share the covers of books you review with a link to your review on Pinterest!

    Also, turn off Captcha, it really doesn't make a difference in spam but it does make a difference for real commenters.

    Glad to meet you through ABEA!

  7. Check out Windows Live Writer, if you haven't already. Amazing free program for writing and formatting your posts, also works with both blogger and WP.

    Lose the Captcha. Blogger already has some really robust spamblockers and it turns off real people that actually want to respond.

  8. I think the most important thing is to have fun and not make things a chore.


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