
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Armchair BEA 2011 :: Interview with Monica from Bibliophilic Book Blog

One of the great features of participating in Armchair BEA this year is networking with other book bloggers. Our assignment was to interview another book blogger and thus get to know each other better.

Today for Armchair BEA, I am introducing:
Monica from Bibliophile Book Blog.

Jasmine: Hi Monica! I'm always curious about what people studied when they were a college student. When you were a college student, what did you study?

Monica: I was a college student and when I was studying I was studying Military Intelligence Studies.
What made you decide to write a book blog?

I saw a blog one day and I thought it was cool and was like that is a neat way to keep track of what I read so I started one.
If you were on a deserted island and could only take 3 books with you, what would they be and why?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by: J.K. Rowling, Rampant by: Saskia Walker, and The Mists of Avalon by: Marion Zimmer Bradley. POA because I heart Harry Potter and that is my fav of the series. Rampant because it is full of sensuality and would remind me I am human and The Mists of Avalon because I am crazy King Arthur freak and need something to take the edge off.
Do you have any tips or pieces of advice for a newbie book blogger like myself?

Be active on twitter, don't be afraid to make friends and mistakes, make sure to keep in excellent contact with you publicity contacts just always keep them informed, I suck at this but it is a very important thing.

What do you usually listen to while you read? Where would your favorite spot to read be?

I usually listen to QVC while I read, I love the background noise. Weird I know. Favorite spot at home to read is on the far cushion of my couch. My favorite spot here in Korea to read is propped against my headboard.

What are some of your other hobbies and interests other than reading?

Sing, writing, dancing, swimming.

Bookstore or library? Or both?

Both. I love the smells in both, they are very different and both essential.

And just for fun... what is something that your readers don't know about you, but would find interesting?

Um...they might not know that I can fire 3 different weapons with sharpshooter accuracy.


Thank you so much for sharing, Monica! My husband loves reading all about the military and I'm sure he would love to pick your brain sometime.
Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban is actually my favorite of the series as well! I tried reading Mists of Avalon years ago, but couldn't get into it. Maybe I should give it another try! Wow, a sharpshooter. I think I might just been a teensy bit afraid now... just a teensy bit. I also appreciate you sharing your tips for a newbie blogger like myself.

It's been a pleasure having Monica from Bibliophilic Book Blog drop by. I'm excited to have her as a new blog buddy! Please be sure to drop by and leave some love on her blog as well. You can also follow her on twitter at bibliophilicboo.


  1. Great interview! I love both dancing and swimming as well. :)

    My interview and shout out can be found here!

    Rebecca @ kindle fever

  2. Thank you so much for having me :) I am glad I got to be interviewed!


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